
EdD: Rutgers University Graduate School of Education, 1992

MSN: University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing

BSN: University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing


Academic Lexicography

Global Health

International Education


Dr. Marie O’Toole’s primary program of research is academic lexicography.  Dr. O'Toole has served as the editor of multiple editions of dictionaries and encyclopedias, including the award winning Mosby Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing and Health Professions.  She continues to edit the Mosby series of dictionaries. 

Dr. O’Toole has been involved in international outreach related to rehabilitation and curriculum development.  Her work has been funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Health Resource Services Administration (HRSA), the Fund for Improvement of Secondary Education (FIPSE) program of the United States Department of Education and the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission on Higher Education.  In 2017 she served as a Fulbright Specialist in Jordan.

Dr. O’Toole is deeply committed to excellence in nursing education.  Throughout her career she has been proactive in looking for sustainable opportunities to advance nursing education in an international, interdisciplinary and collaborative fashion.   She was the Founding Chair of Nurses Overseas, a division of Health Volunteers Overseas (HVO).  The nursing division provides an opportunity for nurse faculty to work with their colleagues in developing countries.  Dr. O’Toole is a member of the 2003 Robert Wood Johnson Executive Nurse Fellow cohort.  Her Fellow project focused on supporting transcultural expertise in undergraduate students.  While serving as the Chair of Nazareth College her faculty received the Innovation Award for the establishment of a dual degree program with two schools in the European Union.   She currently serves, with great pride, as the Senior Associate Dean at Rutgers, Camden School of Nursing.

In recognition of her work, Dr. O’Toole has garnered numerous awards including an honorary doctorate from Semmelweis University in Budapest, Hungary, the presidential “Call to Service Award” from the G.W. Bush Administration, and Fellowship in the American Academy of Nursing. 

Selected Publications

Edited Books, Anthologies, Collections, Bibliographies

O'Toole, M.T. (editor) (2017) Mosby's Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing and Allied Health (10th edition). Elsevier

O’Toole, M.T. (editor) (2014) Mosby’s Pocket Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Allied Health (7 th edition). Elsevier.

O’Toole, M.T. (editor) 2013) Mosby’s Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing and Allied Health (9 th edition), Elsevier.

Funding - Internal

2015-2016 (Grant Amount: $2,000)
Global Urbanism Biennial Theme Special Event Grant, Agency: Center for Global Advancement & International Affairs (GAIA), Role: Project Director

Funding - External

2018-2019 (Grant Amount: $42,027)
Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP) Grant (1-E01HP31830-01-00), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Bureau of Health Workforce, Agency: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Role: PI

2015-2016 (Grant Amount: $5,000)
Faculty Leadership Development Grant, Robert Wood Johnson Alumni Association, Agency: Robert Wood Johnson Alumni Association, Role: PI

Honors and Distinctions

2017 — Fulbright Specialist Award

2016 — GE Healthy Cities Leadership Academy

2013 — Semmelweis University, Honorary Doctorate

American Academy of Nursing — Fellow

National League for Nursing’s Academy of Nursing Education — Fellow

Teachers College, Columbia University Alumni Association — Honorary Lifetime Membership

Vietnam Nurses Association — Lifetime Membership

Professional Organizations

American Public Health Association