For Alumni
It’s a great time to be a Rutgers–Camden graduate. No matter where you live, no matter where you are in life—just beginning your career or just beginning your retirement—our alumni have more opportunities than ever to stay connected to Rutgers and each other. As a graduate, you are automatically a member of the Rutgers University Alumni Association. This entitles you to a Rutgers Alumni Card that is a passport to many of the benefits and services. Learn more about all the resources available to you throughout the University Alumni Office.
Rutgers School of Nursing–Camden alumni—more than 3,000 strong and growing—are set apart by the intensity and focus of their discipline. Our proud alumni share a common goal: the advancement of high quality healthcare across the lifespan for the citizens of southern New Jersey, the nation, and around the world. As members of a unique community of healthcare professionals, they are dedicated to the nursing vocation, life-long learning, and mentoring the next generation of nurses.