Kathleen J. Jackson

Professor Emerita
Rutgers School of Nursing–Camden
530 Federal Street
Camden, NJ 08102
(856) 225-6042

DNP: Rutgers University (legacy University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey), 2011
MA (Sociology/ABD): Rutgers University, 2008
Post-master's Certificate (Pediatric portion of Family Nurse Practitioner Program): The College of New Jersey, 1977
MSN (Primary Care Adult Nurse Practitioner Program): University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, 1989
BSN: Thomas Jefferson University, 1983
Diploma: Mercer Medical Center School of Nursing, 1977
Family-centered, holistic, primary care
Preventing and managing chronic illness
Community Engagement to improve health and health inequities
Diabetes-enhancing self-management

Dr. Kathleen Jackson has a broad background as a family nurse practitioner in primary care, with specific knowledge and experience in prevention and management of chronic disease.  Dr. Jackson delivers healthcare to vulnerable populations, working with communities to improve health (community eng...read more

Selected Publications 

Chapters in Books or Monographs

Jerome-D’Emilia, B. & Jackson, K. J. (2015) Patient-engaged and Community Participatory Research in Bloch, J., Clark, M, & Courtney, M. (eds.), Practice-Based Clinical Inquiry in Nursing: Looking Beyond Traditional Methods for PhD and DNP Research Springer Publishing Company, LLC.

Articles in Non-refereed or General Journals

Acknowledged Contributor to report: New Jersey PATHS Report: An Analysis of New Jersey’s Opportunities to Enhance Prevention and Management of Type 2 Diabetes. 2014. Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation of Harvard Law School and funded through Together on Diabetes of Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation. 2014.

Funding - External 

2014-2016 (Grant Amount: $2,500)
Take Care Health Promotion Grant - from American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP)- 2015-16.

Honors and Distinctions 


2015-ongoing — Civic Engagement Fellow Rutgers University—Camden

Professional Awards and Honors

2017 — Spirit of Civic Engagement Award, Rutgers University—Camden

2015-2018 — Elected to New Jersey State Nurses Association (NJSNA) Congress on Policy and Practice

AANP Nurse Practitioner Nurse Practitioner State Award for Excellence for New Jersey

Academic Excellence Award, UMDNJ, School of Nursing

Cum Laude, Inducted into Sigma Theta Tau, International Honor Society of Nursing

New Jersey and Pennsylvania RN and APN/CRNP
American Nurses Credentialing Center Certification as an Adult and Family Nurse Practitioner
Board Certified-Advanced Diabetes Management - American Association of Diabetes Educators
Professional Organizations 
2013-ongoing — ANA
2013-ongoing — AANP
2008-ongoing — NJSNA
2016-2017 — AADE