Rutgers School of Nursing–Camden Presents at the 2019 ENRS Scientific Sessions

ENRS 31st Annual Scientific Sessions

“Transforming the Future of Nursing Research: Imagination, Innovation and Engagement”

Dean Donna M. Nickitas, faculty, and a recent Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) graduate were invited to represent the Rutgers School of Nursing–Camden at “Transforming the Future of Nursing Research: Imagination, Innovation and Engagement,” the annual Eastern Nursing Research Society (ENRS) Scientific Sessions held April 3-5 in Providence, R.I. 

“By giving back and investing in ENRS, we are paving the way for the next generation of nurse leaders, clinicians, and scientists,” Dean Nickitas has said. Nickitas, who serves as Treasurer of the ENRS, is a renowned health policy scholar and nurse educator. At the 2019 ENRS Scientific Sessions she leads a cohort of School of Nursing–Camden faculty recognized for investigating topics within a framework of social justice, health promotion, and population health. These dedicated nurse researchers explore the intersections of poverty, vulnerable communities, and social determinants of health with an emphasis on building partnerships across sectors and disciplines.

Congratulations to Nancy Pontes, an assistant professor at the School of Nursing–Camden, selected to receive the 2019 ENRS/Nursing Research Authorship Award on April 3 as lead author of the paper, “Additive Interactions Between Gender and Bullying Victimization on Depressive Symptoms and Suicidality: Youth Risk Behavior Survey 2011-2015.” The award recognizes an ENRS member who disseminated research findings, or important theoretical, or methodological advances in the official ENRS Journal, Nursing Research, within the previous year (2018).

“This award is one of my proudest accomplishments, and my co-authors Cynthia Ayres, Manuel Pontes, and I are very grateful for this recognition.  My hope is that this research will inform others about the devastating outcomes associated with bullying victimization, and the importance of finding solutions to prevent bullying and provide early intervention for victims and perpetrators of bullying, especially among children and adolescents,” said Pontes, who studies the social determinants of health and well-being among vulnerable youth and families.

Faculty researchers invited to offer podium and poster presentations include: Cynthia Ayres, PhD, RN, FNAP; Bonnie Jerome-D’Emilia, PhD, MPH, RN; Nancy M. H. Pontes, PhD, RN, APN, FNP-BC, DRCC; Patricia D. Suplee, PhD, RNC-OB; and Mary Wunnenberg, EdD, MSN, RN, CNE. In addition, DNP graduate Ravina Chawla will present her research poster, “Assessing College Students’ Knowledge of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Intention to Engage in Safer Sexual Experiences: A DNP Practice Improvement Project.”

For more than 30 years, the ENRS has provided a unique forum that encourages anyone interested in nursing science to share ideas, research, and innovations invaluable to the nursing profession. Established in 1988, it seeks to create a community to promote and support nursing research and knowledge sharing in the Eastern Region of the United States.

Rutgers School of Nursing–Camden believes healthcare is a basic right for everyone. We prepare nurses to understand the full scope of practice and pursue the unlimited opportunities they have to do public good and make a difference. Our faculty, students, and staff immerse themselves in the community while contributing to a campus-wide climate of collaboration and research that promotes healthcare at home and around the world. Social justice is the fundamental theme that informs our school's strategic direction and a core value that aligns with Rutgers University–Camden's commitment to civic engagement – connecting campus resources with the needs of the community.