530 Federal Street
Room 441
Camden, NJ 08102

Janice M. Beitz, a native of Philadelphia and a proud New Jerseyan since 1977, has over 45 years of nursing experience in acute, sub-acute, and outpatient care settings. Dr. Beitz is board certified as an adult clinical specialist in medical-surgical nursing, as a nurse of the operating room, as...read more
Chapters in Books or Monographs
Beitz, J. (2023). Medications that affect wound healing. In R. Bryant & D. Nix. Acute and chronic wounds. (6th ed.). New chapter invited for this edition. Philadelphia: Elsevier.
Beitz, J. (2020). Wound healing. In Doughty, D, McNichol, L., etc. WOCN wound core curriculum textbook (2nd ed). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins.
Beitz, J. (2020). Etiologies for gastrointestinal diversions. In Goldberg, M. et al. WOCN ostomy core curriculum textbook (2nd ed). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams
Beitz, J. (2015). Etiologies for gastrointestinal diversions. In Goldberg, M. et al. WOCN ostomy core curriculum textbook. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams Wilkins
Beitz, J. (2015). Wound healing. In Doughty, D, McNichol, L., etc. WOCN wound core curriculum textbook. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins
Beitz, J. (2015). Update of intestinal and rectal disorders. In Hinkle, J., Cheever, K., (eds). Brunner & Suddarth’s textbook of medical surgical nursing (13th ed.) (pp. 1285-1333). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins
Articles in Non-refereed or General Journals
Beitz, J. & Krasner, D. (2020). 2020: The Year of the Nurse and Midwife and the Covid-19 pandemic: What it may mean for the wound care community. Guest Editorial. Wound Management and Prevention, 66(5), 6.
Beitz, J. (2019). Teaching Tips: Padlet: A digital canvas. Nurse Educator, 44(3), 169.
Beitz, J. (2018). Teaching Tips: At the movies. Nurse Educator,44(5), 1.
Beitz, J. (2013). Power up your patient education with analogies and metaphors. Wound Care Advisor, 2(5), 20-22
Refereed Blind Peer Reviewed Research Publications
Doucette, J., Mawn, B., Beitz, J., & Koren, A., (2023). Factors affecting psychosocial adjustment in persons with a recent ostomy. Journal of WOCN, 50(4) 1-10.
Beitz, J. & Beckmann, C. (2022). Psychometric development of an instrument measuring academic social bullying in health sciences education: Continuing content and construct validation: Phase three. Journal of Nursing Practice Applications and Reviews of Research (JNPARR), 12(2), 4-22.
Beitz, J. & Beckmann, C. (2022). Social bullying in nursing and health sciences academia: A qualitative study. Journal of Nursing Measurement.30(2), 1-22.
Beitz, J., & Beckmann, C. (2022). Psychometric development of an instrument measuring academic social bullying in nursing higher education: Continuing content and construct validation. Journal of Nursing Measurement, 30(2), 186-209
Beitz, J. & Beckmann, C. (2020). Psychometric development of an instrument measuring social bullying in nursing academia: Item development and content validation. Nurse Educator, 46(3), 45-49.
Beitz, J. (2019). The perioperative succession: A cross-sectional descriptive study of regional realities and strategies for academic nursing. Nursing Economics, 37(4), 179-197.
Geria, K. & Beitz, J. (2018). Application of a modified version of the Diabetes Prevention Program with adolescents. Public Health Nursing, 00, 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1111/phn.12379
Beitz, J., & Colwell, J. (2016). Management approaches to stomal and peristomal complications: A narrative descriptive study. Journal of WOCN, 43(3), 263-268
Beitz, J. (2016). Don’t sugarcoat it: Diabetes prevention services in South Jersey: Current realities, future opportunities. The Senator Walter Rand Institute for Public Affairs (Publications). Published on Website September 15, 2016 at: https://rand.camden.rutgers.edu/publications/ (Not Blinded)
Mackey, D., McNichol, L., Watts, C.S., Beitz, J., & Gray, M. (2015). Identifying the right surface for the right patient at the right time: Consensus statements and an algorithm for support surface selection. Journal of WOCN, 42 (1), 19-37
Van Rijswijk, L., & Beitz, J. (2015). Content validation of a pressure ulcer prevention algorithm. Ostomy Wound Management, 61(4), 48-57
Wieland, D., & Beitz, J. (2015). Resilience to social bullying in nursing academia: A phenomenological study. Nurse Educator, 40(6), 289-293
Beitz, J. Bolton, L. (2015). Systematic reviews and meta-analyses: Literature-based recommendations for evaluating strengths, weaknesses, and clinical value. Ostomy Wound Management, 61(11), 1-14
Beitz, J., Gerlach, M., & Schafer, V. (2014). Construct validation of an innovative standardized interactive digital algorithm for ostomy care. Journal of WOCN, 41(1), 49-54
Beitz, J. & Colwell, J. (2014). Stomal and peristomal complications: Prioritizing management approaches in adults. Journal of WOCN, 41(5), 445-464
Goldberg, E., Beitz, J., Wieland, D., & Levine, C. (2013). Social bullying in nursing academia: A phenomenological study. Nurse Educator, 38(5), 191-197
Van Rijswijk, L. & Beitz, J. (2013). Creating a pressure ulcer prevention algorithm: Systematic review and face validation. Ostomy Wound Management, 59(11), 28-40
Refereed Blind Peer Reviewed Theory Publications
Beitz, J. & Kennedy-Evans, K.L. (2023). Not all good things come in small packages: Comprehensive care of the bariatric patient. Journal of WOCN, 50 (5), 365-374.
Beitz, J. (2023). View From Here: Workplace bullying and WOC nursing; Lessons learned. Journal of WOCN, 50(3), 192-193.
Bryan, R. & Beitz, J. (2023). Trauma-informed care: Positive and adverse childhood experiences, and WOC nursing: An integrative review. Journal of WOCN, 1-8.
Beitz, J. & Beckmann, C. (2022). The importance of measuring social bullying in academic nursing (Guest Editorial). Journal of Nursing Measurement, 30(2), 183-185.
Bryan, R. & Beitz, J. (2021). Critical connections among embedding of childhood adversity, adult chronic gastrointestinal and genitourinary disorders: A review of the literature. Wound Management and Prevention, 67(11), 33-47. Doi:10.25270/wmp.2021.11.3347.
Bryan, R. & Beitz, J. (2019). Childhood adversity, epigenetics, and wound care: Critical connections and implications for clinical practice. Wound Management and Prevention, 65(10), 18-28. Doi: 10.25270/wmp.2019.10.1828.
Beitz, J. (2019). Addressing the perioperative nursing shortage through education: A perioperative imperative. AORN Journal, 110(4), 403-414.doi:10.1002/aorn.12805.
Beitz, J. (2018). Attitude isn't the only thing, It's everything: Humanistic care of the bariatric patient using Donabedian's perspective on quality. Ostomy Wound Management, . 64(1), 12-17. Doi:10.25270/owm.2018
Beitz, J. (2017). Pharmacological impact of medications on wound healing and wound generation: How drugs can “break bad.” Ostomy Wound Management, 63(3), 18-35.
Beitz, J. (2015).Clinician challenges in providing health care for a morbidly obese family member: A bariatric case study. Ostomy Wound Management, 61(1), 42-46
Beitz, J. (2014). Parkinson’s Disease: An overview. Frontiers in Bioscience. (Scholars Edition). January 1, 56, 65-74
Beitz, J. (2014). Providing quality skin and wound care for the bariatric patient. Anoverview of clinical challenges. Ostomy Wound Management, 60(1), 12-21
Beitz, J. (2013). Skin and wound issues in Parkinson’s Disease: An overview of common disorders. Ostomy Wound Management, 59(6), 26-36
Co-Authored Grant Request to Chancellor's Research Fund: "Measuring Social Bullying in Academic Professional Schools." Rutgers Camden, NJ (C. Spell, Co-PI), (Requested $14,500; Funded $9,950)
Co-Authored Grant Request to Provost’s Research Fund Catalyst Grant: “Psychometric Development and Validation of Instrument Measuring Academic Bullying in Clinical Practice Disciplines.” Rutgers Camden, NJ (C. Beckmann, Co-PI) (Requesting $5,000; /Funded $4,000)
Co-Authored Grant Request to Rutgers Research Council, Rutgers University. “Psychometric Development of an Instrument to Measure Social Bullying in Nursing Academia.” Spring 2019. (C. Beckmann, Co-PI). (Funded $2,000).
Co-Authored Grant Request to Faculty Research Fund School of Nursing, Rutgers University Camden. “Psychometric Development of a Scale to Measure Social Bullying in Nursing Academia.” Spring 2018. (C. Beckmann, Co-PI) (Funded $1,500)
Co-Authored Grant Request to NSF. “LEAP-HI: Toward Smart Bandages with Cold Plasma and Fusion Protein-based Therapies for Chronic Wound Care.” (Co-PIs: Mazzeo, A., Beitz, J. Berthiaume, F., Javanmard, M., & Roy, J.) Rutgers University New Brunswick, NJ, September 2019. (Requesting $2,000,000; Not Funded).
2012 (Grant Amount: $26,000)
Co-Authored Research Proposal to Convatec Inc. “Development and Systematic Review of Evidence-Based Algorithm for Pressure Ulcer Prevention in Adults.” (with Lia van Rijswijk)
2012 (Grant Amount: $10,000)
Co-Authored Research Proposal to Center for Clinical Investigation (CCI) of WOCN Society for Hollister Research Grant in support of study: “Stomal and Peristomal Complications: Prioritized Management Approaches. Submitted January 2012
2012 (Grant Amount: $53,790)
Co-Authored Research Proposal to Convatec, Inc., “Online Solutions® Wound Care Algorithms: A Validation Study with Registered Nurses.” (with Lia van Rijswijk).
2012 (Grant Amount: $164,147)
Co-Authored Research Proposal to Convatec, Inc. “Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT): Development of an Algorithm for NPWT Use and Content Validation By Wound Care Professionals.” (with Lia van Rijswijk).
2023- Fellow of WOCN Society (Inaugural Class)
2019 — Fellow of the National Academies of Practice
2015 — Fellow of the Academy of Nursing Education, Las Vegas, NV, October
2014 — Rutgers University Walter Rand Institute Faculty Fellow
2014 — Rutgers University-Camden Digital Faculty Fellow
2013 — Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing
Professional Awards and Honors
2022-- Award for Excellence in Professional Nursing. Rutgers University School of Nursing-Camden, Camden, NJ
2019 — Proclamation from City of Camden and Freeholder Carmen Rodriguez for Induction as Fellow of National Academies of Practice, Haddonfield, NJ
2016 — Selected as Outstanding Reviewer for 2015-2016, Ostomy/Wound Management, Awarded Annual Board Meeting, Atlanta, GA at SAWC
2014 — Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence Rutgers University—Camden
2014 — Selected as Focus of “My Scope of Practice” column of Ostomy/Wound Management: “Keep Care A Laughing Matter.”
2012 — Outstanding Nursing Alumna, School of Nursing and Health Sciences, La Salle University, Philadelphia, PA
Editorial Activities
12/2015-ongoing — Member, Editorial Board, Wounds
2012-ongoing — Manuscript Reviewer Panel, Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety
05/2008-ongoing — Manuscript Reviewer Panel, Western Journal of Nursing Research
08/2006-ongoing — Manuscript Reviewer Panel, Nursing Education Perspectives
08/2000-ongoing — Manuscript Reviewer Panel, AORN Journal
03/1999-ongoing — Manuscript Reviewer Panel, Journal of WOCN
01/2022-ongoing - Deputy Editor, Journal of WOCN
10/1997-ongoing — Member, Editorial Board, Wound Management and Prevention
10/1995-ongoing — Member, Editorial Board, Nurse Educator (1995-2018), Manuscript Reviewer (2018 to present)