
DNP (Nursing Practice/Education): Duquense University of the Holy Spirit, 2015

MSN (Critical Care Nursing): University of Pennsylvania, 1988

BSN (Nursing): Villa Marie College, 1985

Diploma (Nursing): Sisters of Charity School of Nursing, Buffalo, New York, 1981


Geriatric baccalaureate education

Critical care nursing

Patient safety and communication

Transition to practice

Education pedagogy


Dr Avallone’s scholarly activity focuses on improving care for older disadvantaged individuals and evaluating educational outcomes to prepare practice-ready graduates. Dr Avallone is the subrecipient PI for Rutgers School of Nursing-Camden, collaborating with the NJ Institute for Successful Aging, Rowan University School of Medicine on a $3.75 grant from DHHS/HRSA to develop evidence-based competencies to improve the care of the vulnerable older adults in the community. She has developed and evaluated programs to use peer teaching students to provide patient-centered transitional heart failure education, and standardized the handoff educational curriculum for nursing students.  She has presented her findings at national and international conferences and has published on these topics. 

Selected Publications

Articles in Refereed Journals

Avallone M., Perweiler E., Pacetti S. (2020). Using the 4Ms framework to teach geriatric competencies in a community clinical experience. Nursing Forum.1-6.  DOI: 10.1111/nuf.12511.

Cantwell ER, Avallone M, Bowler G. (2020). Using new careers in nursing research findings to develop and evidence-based pre-entry immersion program. Journal Professional Nursing.

Avallone M, Cantwell, R., Pacetti S. (2019). Clinical introduction to population health management using a peer mentoring strategy. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice. 9(14). 79-85.

Avallone, M., Cantwell, R. (2016). Teaching nursing students to provide patient-centered transitional education to heart failure patients using a peer teaching strategy. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 7(2), 84-89.

Avallone, MA, Weideman, YL. (2015). Evaluation of a nursing handoff educational bundle to improve nursing student handoff communications: A pilot study. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 5(8),

Avallone, M., Cantwell, R. (2016). Teaching Nursing Students to Provide Patient-Centered Transitiona lEducation to Heart Failure Patients Using a Peer Teaching Strategy. Journal of Nursing Education andPractice, 7(2), 84-89.

Avallone, MA, Weideman, YL. (2015). Evaluation of a nursing handoff educational bundle to improvenursing student handoff communications: A pilot study. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 5(8),

Articles in Non-refereed or General Journals

Cantwell, E.R., Avallone, M., Kushary D., Nelson, J. (2017). New Careers in Nursing: Pre-Entry Immersion Programs (PIP) and Relationship to Graduation from Accelerated Nursing Programs. The Advisor. 37(2), 19-26.

Electronic Publications, Refereed

Avallone, M., Cantwell, R. (2016) Teaching Nursing Students to Provide Patient-Centered Transitional Education to Heart Failure Patients Using a Peer Teaching Strategy. Virginia Henderson Global Nursing E-repository. Refereed Abstract. Retrieved from :

Avallone, M. (2016). A Bundled Approach to Improve Handoff Education in Prelicensure Nursing Virginia Henderson Global Nursing E-repository. Refereed Abstract. Retrieved from:

Selected presentations

Avallone M. Pacetti S., Perweiler E. Using the Age-Friendly 4Ms Framework to Redesign a Community Clinical Experience. Gerontology Society of America (GSA) Nov. 2020. Poster presentation

Avallone M. Promoting Age-Friendly Communities for Low Income Elders through an Interprofessional Healthcare Team Experience. National League for Nursing (NLN) Education Summit 2020. Orlando, FL. Podium presentation, Sept 2020.

Avallone M. Cantwell ER, Pacetti S. An Interprofessional Service-Learning Experience with Low-Income Elders: Use of a Near-Peer Teaching Strategy. Sigma Theta Tau 30th International Nursing Research Congress. Calgary, AB Canada, July 2019. Podium presentation

Avallone M. Building Safer Systems by Improving Nursing Student Handoffs using a bundled strategy. National League for Nursing (NLN) Education Summit. Chicago, IL. Sept 13-15. 2018. Poster presentation

Avallone M. Improving Safety with the Nursing Handoff Educational Bundle (NHEB). Rutgers University-Camden Faculty Research and Creative Activities Symposium. Nov 28, 2018.

Avallone M. Improving the Safety and Effectiveness of Nursing Student Handoff Communications with the Nursing Handoff Educational Bundle (NHEB). ENRS 30th Annual Scientific Session. April 13, 2018. poster presentation.

Cantwell ER, Avallone M. New Careers in Nursing: Pre-Entry Immersion Programs and Relationship to Graduation from Accelerated Nursing Programs. Sigma Theta Tau Nursing Education Research Conference, Washington D.C. April 20, 2018. Podium presentation.

Avallone M. Promoting Engaged Learners using Digital Teaching Strategies. Lessons Learned. AACN 2017 Faculty Development Conference. Atlanta, GA. Nov. 2017. Poster presentation.

Cantwell ER, Avallone M. New Careers in Nursing: Pre-entry Immersion Programs (PIP) and Relationship to Graduation from Accelerated Nursing Programs. AACN 2017 Baccalaureate Education Conference, Atlanta, GA. Nov. 17, 2017. podium presentation

Avallone M. The Handoff CEX: Standardizing the Evaluation of Handoffs during Clinical Experiences. AACN 2017 Faculty Development Conference, Atlanta, GA. Nov. 2017. Poster presentation.

Avallone M. Handoff Safety Communication, Semmelweis University. Budapest, Hungary. Feb 14, 2017. Podium presentation

Avallone M. Medication Safety: Way Beyond the Five Rights. Semmelweis University. Budapest, Hungary, Feb 14, 2017. podium presentation

Avallone M. A Systems Approach to Improving Patient Safety. Semmelweis University. Budapest, Hungary. Feb 15, 2017. podium presentation

Avallone M. Reflective Journaling and Clinical Judgment: Exploring the Evidence. Semmelweis University. Budapest, Hungary, Feb 15, 2017. podium presentation

Clark M., Avallone M. Use of screencasts to provide education to staff nurses who care for patients with Parkinson’s disease in Acute Care Hospitals. . 4th World Parkinson’s’ Conference, Portland, OR. Sept. 20-23, 2016podium presentation

Avallone M. Teaching Nursing Students to Provide Patient-Centered Transitional Education to Heart Failure Patients Using a Peer Teaching Strategy. Doctors of Nursing Practice, Inc. Transforming Healthcare Through Collaboration. Oct. 6, 2016, Baltimore, MD. podium presentation

Avallone M. Evaluation of a Nursing Handoff Educational Bundle to Improve Student Handoff Education. Doctors of Nursing Practice, Inc. Transforming Healthcare Through Collaboration. Oct. 6, 2016, Baltimore, MD. Podium presentation

Avallone M. A Bundled Approach to Improve Handoff Education in Prelicensure Nursing Students. Sigma Theta Tau International Leadership Connection 2016, Indianapolis, IN. Sept. 19, 2016. podium presentation

Avallone M. Cantwell ER. Teaching Nursing Students to Provide Patient-Centered Transitional Education to Heart Failure Patients Using a Peer Teaching Strategy. Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Research Conference. July 23-27, 2015. San Juan, Puerto Rico. podium presentation

Funding - Internal

2014 — Evaluation of a Handoff Educational Bundle to Improve Safety and Effectiveness of Handoff Communications for Prelicensure Students. Implemented Fall, 2014. Primary investigator.

2013 to 2016 — A Peer Teaching Strategy to Assist Nursing Students to Provide Transition of Care Education for Patients Diagnosed with Heart Failure. Implemented Fall 2013, Spring 2014 and Spring 2016. Primary investigator.

Funding - External

07/2020-07/2021 (Grant Amount: $90,000) CARES ACT GWEP COVID Supplement to support Telehealth., Agency: HRSA, PI- Chopra Rowan School of Osteopathic Medicine Role: subrecipient PI

2020-2025 (Grant Amount: $3,750,000) NJ Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP). grant U1QHP28714.,Agency: HRSA PI- A. Chopra, E. Perweiler. Rowan School of Osteopathic Medicine Role: subrecipient PI

01/2017-05/2017 (Grant Amount: $1,000) Impact of Pre-immersion programs (PIP) and relationship to graduation outcomes.,Agency: AACN/RWJF New Careers in Nursing PI- Cantwell, ER, Role- Co-I- Avallone M, Kushary D, Nelson J.

2017-2019 (Grant Amount: $2,550,000) NJ Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP), Agency: DHHS/HRSA PI- A. Chopra, E. Perweiler Rowan School of Osteopathic Medicine, Role: subrecipient PI

01/2017-04/2017 (Grant Amount: $1,000)
Impact of Pre-immersion programs (PIP) and relationship to graduation outcomes. E. Renee Cantwell, M. Avallone, D. Kushary, J. Nelson, Agency: AACN/RWJF New Careers in Nursing, Role: secondary

02/2017-03/2017 (Grant Amount: $1,900)
Erasmus Plus Faculty Higher Education Mobility Grant, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary.

Honors and Distinctions

2019- Outstanding Nurse Educator Award- Rutgers University-School of Nursing-Camden

2019- ACP-MIT Hacking Medicine Challenge, Hackathon Award Grand Champion

2015- Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence, Rutgers University-Camden


2016 Digital Teaching Fellow-Rutgers University Camden

2015-2016 Edmund J Safra Visiting Nursing Faculty Scholars Program for Parkinson’s Education. University of Pennsylvania.

2013-2015 DHHS-HRSA Faculty Development Collaborative Program in Geriatrics


New Jersey RN license 26NR09380200

Pennsylvania RN license RN 244640L

Certified Nurse Educator (CNE) NLN 539256

Adult Critical Care RN certification (CCRN)-K, American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN)

Basic Cardiac Life Support (BCLS) Certification, American Heart Association